Womb Whispers

Let’s be honest: As a woman or menstruating person in this society, it isn’t exactly easy to grow up with a lot of reverence for your body, nor your cycle. In this spiritual-feminist podcast about menstrual wisdom and activism for our modern times, I share musings, reflections and conversations to make living as a cyclical being (ALL beings are cyclical, by the way!) in a world set up for linear progress more easeful for you. Let yourself be inspired to detox from the systems of oppression you’ve most probably internalised, so you can walk the spirals of your life with more confidence and trust in yourself and your gorgeous body and reclaim the superpower and ancient wisdom already stored in your bones! And no, you don’t need to have a uterus to benefit from this!

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Hi and welcome!

I'm Lisa and I support women to get back in touch with their cycle, release trauma and live their life powerfully from within.

If you want to receive weekly personal e-letters to help you journey the cycle of death and rebirth that women and menstruating folks go through every month with more ease and confidence in your body's wisdom, sign up for Mo(o)nday Musings here:

Sign up to Mo(o)nday Musings

Whether you still have a menstrual cycle or cycle with the moon (e.g. in post menopause), embodied cyclical living will help you prepare for the bigger and more challenging transitions in life!

Decolonising Time, Decolonising the Body and Liberating Flow - Introduction


Ixchel Lunar and I want to raise awareness about how the systems and structures we live in are heavily impacting our relationship to time and to the body, and how the pace of life is a social construct that works against us in so many different ways.

Warning: This and the following three episodes of this series are potentially activating to your nervous system, so please make sure that you are in a good space to absorb the information and have a soothing practice at hand that you can turn to, should your nervous system be activated! We live in systems that aren't set up for our benefit, but seek to separate us from ourselves, each other and the land we live on, so we extract from and exploit the Earth and our own bodies for other people's gain. Ixchel Lunar and I want to raise awareness about how these systems and structures have really impacted our experience and perspective of time, and how the pace of life is a social construct that works against us in so many different ways. Follow us in this four-week series where we dive deep into the topic and practices of decolonization, especially how to decolonize time and the body, thereby opening opportunities for liberating and experiencing flow that brings healing to the individual as well as the collective. In today's introductory episode, we dive into: - Ixchel's background story of healing and recovering from burnout - My background story of how learning about the cycles (the personal and the cycles around us) has helped me make peace with my anorexia and with my body - Simple definitions of what colonization and decolonization actually mean and how they tie into the white supremacist capitalist narratives of our modern society - Four core ways time has become colonized - Tools to soothe and regulate your nervous system to help you move forward with this important work Resources we mentioned: Subscribe to Ixchel's Dragon Letters through their homepage: https://ixchel.love/home Subscribe to Mo(o)nday Musings to start each week more fully connected to yourself and your amazing body: https://lisa-jara.com/en/moonday-musings If you want to learn how to start communicating with your body, take my free Cycle Charting course here: https://lisa-jara.com/cyclecharting And if you experience menstrual health conditions like painful periods, PMS/PMDD, endometriosis, PCOS, irregular cycles, know that as a Menstrual Health Coach I help you address them in a natural and holistic way at their root cause (so without surgery or hormones), for a happy healthy bleeding experience. If you want to take your menstrual health into your own hands, book a call and let's chat https://lisa-jara.as.me or send me an email, if you prefer a written conversation: lisa@lisa-jara.com +++++ You can find the links and the transcript of this episode at: https://lisa-jara.com/en/blog/e26-decolonising-time-decolonising-the-body-and-liberating-flow-introduction

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 31 MB - Duration: 32:50m

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