Womb Whispers

Let’s be honest: As a woman or menstruating person in this society, it isn’t exactly easy to grow up with a lot of reverence for your body, nor your cycle. In this spiritual-feminist podcast about menstrual wisdom and activism for our modern times, I share musings, reflections and conversations to make living as a cyclical being (ALL beings are cyclical, by the way!) in a world set up for linear progress more easeful for you. Let yourself be inspired to detox from the systems of oppression you’ve most probably internalised, so you can walk the spirals of your life with more confidence and trust in yourself and your gorgeous body and reclaim the superpower and ancient wisdom already stored in your bones! And no, you don’t need to have a uterus to benefit from this!

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Hi and welcome!

I'm Lisa and I support women to get back in touch with their cycle, release trauma and live their life powerfully from within.

If you want to receive weekly personal e-letters to help you journey the cycle of death and rebirth that women and menstruating folks go through every month with more ease and confidence in your body's wisdom, sign up for Mo(o)nday Musings here:

Sign up to Mo(o)nday Musings

Whether you still have a menstrual cycle or cycle with the moon (e.g. in post menopause), embodied cyclical living will help you prepare for the bigger and more challenging transitions in life!

Are you stuck in the Fairy-Tale Lie?


Find out where you keep yourself stuck in a fairy-tale lie, handing over your power to someone or something outside of you, and how to remember that you're in fact a powerful being that can create a life of their choosing right here, right now.

Many fairy-tales and other stories that I've grown up with (and you might, too) are about beautiful young princesses that are stuck in a situation and need to be rescued by a handsome prince, who will sweep them up on his horse and they live happily ever after ... Apart from the gender and skin colour bias most of them show (and why are older women usually the evil witch or the mean stepmother?!?), there's a deeper problem at hand: How often have you wished to be that princess, who finally gets recognised for her gifts, her love and devotion, taken out of the situation she's in, so she can finally enjoy life to the fullest, forevermore? I know I have ... Let me show you how that way of thinking can keep you stuck in a fairy-tale lie, where you hand your (inner) power over to someone or something outside of you to "come to your rescue", and how you can remember that you're in fact a powerful being that can create a life of their choosing right here right now. In this episode I dive into: - The trap of learned helplessness and how to recognise when you're in it - How to regain that sense of inner power when you feel powerless - The particular fairy-tale lies I keep myself stuck with - Why I actually wouldn't want a prince to "rescue me" (even though I thought I did) Enjoy the episode and let me know: What is your favourite fairy-tale lie that you keep yourself stuck with? And what could you set in place, so that next time you fall for it, you'll recognise it sooner (and take your powwer back)? Send me a message and let's have a conversation! Resources I mentioned: Get in touch at lisa@lisa-jara.com Book a Connection Call at https://lisa-jara.as.me Or have a look at my offerings: https://lisa-jara.com/en/offerings Navigating (Peri)Menopause as a Non-Binary Person with Piper Rose (they/them): https://lisa-jara.com/en/blog/e34-navigating-perimenopause-as-a-non-binary-person Book Recommendation: Feminist Fairy Tales by Barbara G. Walker Do you want to start your week with some soul-infused musings that support you in your personal cyclical experience in a world set up for linear progress? Sign up for Moonday Musings: https://lisa-jara.com/en/moonday-musings +++++ You can find the links and the transcript of this episode at: https://lisa-jara.com/en/blog/e36-are-you-stuck-in-the-fairy-tale-lie

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 29 MB - Duration: 31:14m

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