Womb Whispers

Let’s be honest: As a woman or menstruating person in this society, it isn’t exactly easy to grow up with a lot of reverence for your body, nor your cycle. In this spiritual-feminist podcast about menstrual wisdom and activism for our modern times, I share musings, reflections and conversations to make living as a cyclical being (ALL beings are cyclical, by the way!) in a world set up for linear progress more easeful for you. Let yourself be inspired to detox from the systems of oppression you’ve most probably internalised, so you can walk the spirals of your life with more confidence and trust in yourself and your gorgeous body and reclaim the superpower and ancient wisdom already stored in your bones! And no, you don’t need to have a uterus to benefit from this!

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Hi and welcome!

I'm Lisa and I support women to get back in touch with their cycle, release trauma and live their life powerfully from within.

If you want to receive weekly personal e-letters to help you journey the cycle of death and rebirth that women and menstruating folks go through every month with more ease and confidence in your body's wisdom, sign up for Mo(o)nday Musings here:

Sign up to Mo(o)nday Musings

Whether you still have a menstrual cycle or cycle with the moon (e.g. in post menopause), embodied cyclical living will help you prepare for the bigger and more challenging transitions in life!

An Honest Conversation about HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) in (Peri)Menopause


Join Leslie Ellis and Lisa Jara for an open exploration that aims at unshame-ing the whole decision-making process around whether or not to take HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) and different angles to consider before making a choice.

Join Leslie Ellis and me for an open and honest conversation about HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) in (Peri)Menopause, the in-built medicine cabinet of your body and different angles to consider in order to make an informed decision for yourself and your body. This is NOT about giving anyone advice on whether or not external hormones are a good solution (we’re not doctors, after all), but an open exploration that mainly aims at exploring how to not inadvertently shame one another (or our bodies) around loaded topics like this. We dive into - Why it's important to hold space for different ideas and information and even opinions to be valid at the same time - The immense transition your body is going through in perimenopause and how different stressors can disrupt this natural process - How Leslie supported herself naturally and why she chose to support her body with bioidentical HRT too Our goal is for you to become inspired to get all the support you need to make an informed decision for yourself and your body, and thereby take your female health into your own hands! Resources we mentioned: Lisa's "Unlock the Healing Power of your Cycle (in pre-, peri- and post-menopause)": https://lisa-jara.com/cyclecharting Leslie's "4 Realms of Sacred Self-Care": https://drive.google.com/file/d/11Ld7eSv8NDUuDKGd7Wb2MXvzxnERCtd4/view?usp=drive_link Happy, Healthy, (W)Holy Menopause Summit recordings: https://lisa-jara.com/hhh-menopause "Slim, Sane, and Sexy" by Jay H. Mead, and Erin T. Lommen The Controversial History of Hormone Replacement Therapy: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6780820 Connect with Leslie here: E-Mail: leslie@yogaheartsong.com Website: https://www.yogaheartsong.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leslie.ellis.359 Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/heartsongsoulsearchers Start your week refreshed and grounded and more connected to your body AND stay up-to-date on all my latest events by signing up for Moonday Musings: https://lisa-jara.com/en/moonday-musings And if you want to address the deeper layers of menstrual or perimenopausal health issues and feel safe, happy, healthy and (w)holy in your body, book your Complimentary Consultation here: https://lisa-jara.as.me +++++ You can find the links and the transcript of this episode at: https://lisa-jara.com/en/blog/e52-an-honest-conversation-about-hrt-in-perimenopause

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 47 MB - Duration: 49:46m

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