Womb Whispers

Let’s be honest: As a woman or menstruating person in this society, it isn’t exactly easy to grow up with a lot of reverence for your body, nor your cycle. In this spiritual-feminist podcast about menstrual wisdom and activism for our modern times, I share musings, reflections and conversations to make living as a cyclical being (ALL beings are cyclical, by the way!) in a world set up for linear progress more easeful for you. Let yourself be inspired to detox from the systems of oppression you’ve most probably internalised, so you can walk the spirals of your life with more confidence and trust in yourself and your gorgeous body and reclaim the superpower and ancient wisdom already stored in your bones! And no, you don’t need to have a uterus to benefit from this!

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Hi and welcome!

I'm Lisa and I support women to get back in touch with their cycle, release trauma and live their life powerfully from within.

If you want to receive weekly personal e-letters to help you journey the cycle of death and rebirth that women and menstruating folks go through every month with more ease and confidence in your body's wisdom, sign up for Mo(o)nday Musings here:

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Whether you still have a menstrual cycle or cycle with the moon (e.g. in post menopause), embodied cyclical living will help you prepare for the bigger and more challenging transitions in life!

Making Peace with Christianity and the True Teachings of Jesus and Mary


I've personally been burned by and broke with Christian religion as taught by the institution church long ago. But in recent years I've come across research and stories that helped me make peace with Christianity as Jesus and Mary taught it.

Happy Easter! Do you know how this festival came about and the real reason for celebration? Because it’s not (just) Jesus dying and rising from the dead – it’s Life itself that's rising from the death of winter! People have celebrated the rebirth of Nature, fertility and pleasure long before Christianity became a thing. But even though I myself have broken with the Christian religion (as taught by the institution church) long ago – having been raised in a Christianised society (like in many parts of the world) still influences me big time, and has me see my pleasure as something dirty and shameful. It's only in recent years, since I've come across new research, that I began a process of reconnecting with the original teachings of Jesus and Mary Magdalene – or Yeshua and Mirjam, their original names – and have been able to make peace with Christianity as Jesus and Mary taught it; learning to see pleasure as one of the most natural expressions of life force energy that runs through all of us. Come along on the journey today, as I dive into - The symbolism of Spring Equinox and Easter celebrations - The influence of being raised by an uber-religious grandmother on my pleasure and well-being - The difference between belief-based religions and cultures of experiencing the Divine in everyday life - My personal belief and values (hint: underneath it all, we essentially believe in the same thing) - The true teachings of Jesus and Mary And I'm curious: What's your relationship with religion and faith? What's coming up for you as you hear my words? I appreciate learning more about you, your story and your views (even when they're different to mine), so tell me about them: Send me a mail at lisa@lisa-jara.com or a voice message: https://www.speakpipe.com/lisajara Books I mentioned: “Mary Magdalene Revealed” by Meggan Watterson “The Moon Under Her Feet” by Clysta Kinstler Would you like to start your week refreshed and grounded and more connected to your body AND stay up to date with my articles, podcast episodes and events? Sign up for my weekly e-letter, Mo(o)nday Musings: https://lisa-jara.com/en/moonday-musings +++++ You can find the links and the transcript of this episode at: https://lisa-jara.com/en/blog/e53-making-peace-with-christianity-and-the-true-teachings-of-jesus-and-mary

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 26 MB - Duration: 27:38m

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